Wednesday 20 June 2007

Virtual Book Tour..Selena's Crystal Balls

We are looking forward to having a special guest on our site 26 June 2007, Anita Ryan-Revel, "Aussie Goddess" herself and she will be introducing her amazing new book for children...... Selena's Crystal Balls..........we are very excited about her adventure with us and welcome anyone who would like to pop by for a short "pause" and perhaps take time to relax and find out more about this charming Aussie goddess and her creative way of sharing her wisdom!

I love the fact we have an endless supply of information we can tap into at will and I enjoy sharing my discoveries and looking forward to hearing about YOURS!

blessings Leanne


Anonymous said...

HI Leanne,
I have just had a sneak preview at Anita Ryans new book for children "Selena's Crystal Balls"
It looks fantastic. I considering getting a copy to use with my nephews and nieces.

Just wondered at what age kids would be able to read and understand the contents without help from an adult?

Love the pictures and colours

Eileen Boyd

Leanne said...

Thanks for your comments and question we will find out the answer to your question later today
Leanne said...

hi Eileen,

I find that all kids love talking about colours, colour association, and how they feel about each of the colours/objects.

As for age... well, Mermandi (from says that her one-year-old daughter reaches out from her cot and picks up Selena's Crystal Balls from the bookshelf nearby.

And I have a 13-year-old son who took the book to his art class last week to share "colour" theories with his teacher.

Each parent knows his/her child and what they're capable of, so let your intuition and wisdom be your guide :-)

Anita said...

hi Leanne,

I see you are doing an Angel Card Reading workshop for children. I can imagine you would be the PERFECT teacher for such a workshop, and well done for coming up with the concept. How beautiful!


Leanne said...

Love being around children and helping them feel supported and safe so they can tap into their natural abilities and allow their true selves to shine!
Your book is going to be an added tool to this workshop and I know they are going to love it!
p.s. gives me a chance to have even more fun

Leanne said...

Anita could you just give us a few hints and tips about finding time to write and doing for ourselves, when our own lives seem to be jam packed with so many other things! It is a question that arises from many lips and when seeking answers the best advice is to ask someone who is actually living it!

Anonymous said...

Anita what was your intention in writing this book for children?

thanks Mandy said...

Leanne, regarding finding time and doing things for oneself:

It comes down to choice. Ask yourself, what makes my soul sing? Which would I rather be doing -- writing a letter to my best friend or peeling potatoes?

When I made that particular choice a few years, my Boy Wonderful stepped up to the plate and volunteered to peel the potatoes. I hadn't asked him to -- it was just that I made my choice to do what made me feel complete, and the Universe provided a solution about the potatoes. (Plan B was to cook rice, lol)

Trust that the daily mondo looks after itself, and give yourself permission to take "Leanne Time"

A said...

Mandy, re my intentions for children when writing this book...

When I was growing up, my parents never talked to me about STUFF going on in my life. I was being bullied at school, but I couldn't tell them about it because their style was to choose "denial" as the coping tool.

Things are different nowadays, but still, adults wouldn't go up to a child and say, "are you being bullied at school?" The child just clams up.

My intention for this story, therefore, was to create a platform for adults to open pathways for discussion about things that are going on for a child.

At each chakra, Selena asks the reader a question along the lines of, "well, what about you?" This is where adults can choose to read the book "one chakra per day" (and really get into the nitty gritty of life aspects each day), or read it through and let the child ask questions at their own pace.

It's a gentle introduction to the 7 essential life aspects, and fun one!


Leanne said...

Thanks Anita I know your advice will be taken on board by many and I am forever learning from those in the same "boat" so to speak :-)
Leanne x

Anonymous said...

Sounds brilliant Anita as I am in my final year of uni studying to be a teacher ( A Mum of four, gone back to do something I have always wanted to do!) your book will certainly be part of my resources
thank you
Mandy x

AngelsRealm said...

Hi Gorgeous Ones!!!
All I can say Anita, the book looks Brilliant!!!! I will definitely be stocking this one, the colours the vibrancy of it all will be great for the kids. Looking forward to having a copy of my own :-)!!!
Angelic Blessings
Julie xoxox
Angels Realm said...

That's great news Mandy! Before I published this book, I gave the manuscript to my aunty who teaches grade 6 students. She used it EVERY DAY in some capacity with her students, whether it was to prep them for a creative exercise, discussion time, or simply "quiet time" on the mat. She recommended it to her colleagues who, as far as I know, are using the school copy now too.

Good for you, for following your bliss. I was a teacher back in my 20s and they are years I am grateful for. I chose to see the beauty in each and every kid, and (maybe or maybe not because of that) I never had a discipline problem in any of my classes. I think the secret is "mutual respect"

Good luck!
Anita said...

hello Julie! I can sense you are still as bright and happy as ever! lol

Brumby Books are distributing the book (not sure if you're aware), so hopefully that will make it easy for you.

Thanks a gadzillion for your support!

PS next time I'm in Melbourne I'd be happy to do "story time" if you like?

Leanne said...

Thanks for dropping in for a 'cuppa' and a chat Anita and for sharing your views and new book. I know many others were not able to be with us "live" however they will be returning later to read
at their leisure and catch up on the latest!
The lucky winner of the email angel reading will be drawn Wed. night(Aussie time EST) to give our overseas goddess' a chance enter
:-) many blessings and gaggles of fun to you Anita (and your well balanced family!) from us all at Angelic Interlude xoxoxox said...

thanks Leanne :-) I'll keep popping in over the next few days to make sure I catch any "late" questions :-)
